Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Organized Brain

I'm letting you into my Brain. Brain book that is. It's the book that is always with me. It contains my lists. Scraps of happy things. It's all inside. Bring on the pictures...
This is my current book. I pick up journals, notebooks, composition books on sale or at garage sales. Sometimes I decorate the covers. This one came as is. I'm almost ready for a new brain - this one is full.
The pages above are examples of random quotes I find. I fill up empty space in my Brain with them. I try to group phone numbers on one or two pages. I also add in fun stuff that comes my way like Grom's art work, fortunes from Chinese Food, pictures of friends and babies.
I rewrite my to do list most every day. Anything that I need to do gets put on the list. I code items with p - phone, w - work, b- blog, e- errand, etc. I have a page marker so I can find this page easy.
I use the Motivated Moms chore list to keep up with the house. I like that it's mindless for me. I just do it.
This is my habit chart for Smart Habit Saturdays. You'll see I wasn't doing that good with my habits. And some pictures of a cute baby I know from church.
I keep a running shopping list. I cross things off as I buy them.
Prayer list
Notes from teaching Bible Study
Notes from Staff Meeting at Church

I try not to have to remember anything but to make sure it gets into my Brain.

Read more GeMoOrnNo posts at
The Lazy Organizer
Multi-Tasking Mommy
With an Angel on my Shoulder
Just About Perfect
Tyler's Triumph


  1. That's so cool! How fun.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
