Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My 100th Post - 100 Things about ME!

Here's 100 things about me in honor of my 100th post.

  1. I'm a first child
  2. Robin is a nick name
  3. I really don't like my real name - only credit card companies and the IRS use it
  4. I grew up in a "Christian home"
  5. We went to the beach every Sunday during the summer
  6. I've had sun burn more than I should
  7. I worry about skin cancer
  8. I loved Sunday School
  9. especially singing
  10. I accepted the Lord into my life at snow camp in 10th grade.
  11. My High School Youth group "ran a muck" (worse than you could imagine)
  12. I have a heart
  13. and concern for high schoolers
  14. and High School youth groups
  15. I drifted away from the Lord
  16. He kept me safe while I was off experiencing worldly things
  17. He called me back to Him constantly
  18. I searched
  19. I spent 30 minutes in the dark eating a chocolate chip cookie to be more mindful and "in touch" with myself and my surroundings
  20. I searched more
  21. I fell asleep (both my body and my legs) while meditating
  22. I finally heard him calling and came back to my Father in 1997
  23. I rededicated my life at the church we now attend
  24. I'm a bad sheep - I wander off
  25. My wanderings are shorter and I stay closer to my Shepherd
  26. I have a BS in Food Science
  27. I lived all by myself in Tennessee for a year and a half
  28. I worked in a plant that made canned milk, taco shells and refried beans
  29. It was a great adventure
  30. I met Surferman through Chinese matchmakers
  31. It was love at first sight
  32. I'm a RN
  33. I'm more likely to kill someone than help them (see #42)
  34. I'm really uncomfortable when people ask me for medical advice (see #42)
  35. We had a Hawaiian themed wedding
  36. I wore blue socks with Birkenstocks on my wedding day
  37. I used to bite my nails
  38. I still gnaw on my cuticles
  39. I treat myself to pedicures
  40. I'm a fast test taker
  41. I usually score well
  42. I don't remember what I've learned
  43. I'm good with old people
  44. and small children
  45. I love the color orange and
  46. probably wear it too often and
  47. have too many orange things in my life
  48. I discovered the color orange when I lived in Tennessee (GO VOLS!)
  49. I love to cook and
  50. can easily put together things that taste good.
  51. Soups and
  52. Salads are my specialties
  53. I hate doing laundry
  54. I have someone come clean my house
  55. I don't tell my friends about my housekeeper
  56. I spend too much time on my computer
  57. I have belonged and participated at the same message board since 1998
  58. I like to be creative-
  59. knitting,
  60. quilting,
  61. sewing,
  62. scrapbooking,
  63. and my newest obsession - digiscrapping
  64. I'm frugal because it's in my blood. (You should see my grandmother's pantry)
  65. You should see my pantry
  66. In my mind, I surf
  67. I used to body board
  68. My wet suit doesn't fit right now (see #69)
  69. I love ice cream especially
  70. Ben and Jerry's - Everything but the...
  71. Besides the Word of God
  72. I don't read very much
  73. I stay up too late
  74. I don't like to go to bed
  75. I don't like to shower
  76. I LOVE coffee
  77. not caffeine, but the
  78. taste of coffee
  79. with milk or half and half
  80. I like strong decaf
  81. I have to make myself drink water
  82. Pepsi is my soda of choice, although I'm trying to cut all soda out of my life
  83. I'm pretty tall - 5'9"
  84. but fat,
  85. really fat
  86. I blame my mother
  87. I need to do something about my weight
  88. I love being a mommy
  89. I waited 8 years to be a mommy
  90. It's a miracle
  91. and answered prayer that I'm a mommy
  92. Grom teaches me things and makes me laugh every day
  93. Grom has the light blonde hair
  94. that I used to have as a child
  95. Now I pay to have it
  96. I love flip flops
  97. and capri pants
  98. I love my life
  99. I blog because I want to
  100. I don't think anyone reads my blog
  101. and that's ok with me


  1. I will comment:) I have to agree on Pepsi and agree that I am trying to stop drinking it.

  2. Hey, you're calling me nobody?!? I checked in faithfully even when you weren't updating much. ;) Congrats on finishing your organization project!

    JanS from FF

    p.s. love the new layout....

  3. I loved your 100 things. And I will be reading your blog. :-)

  4. I am soooo jealous of your new beautiful blog design!! I love Hibiscus!! and orange!! I love it!!

    I really enjoyed getting to know you better! See which ones we have in common:

    1,24,37,38,42,53,56,66,73,74,75,76,81,88,96,98,99, and 100.

    Have you checked your email lately? What do you think about my ideas? If you didn't get it for some reason let me know!!


  5. Who doesn't love to go on and on about themselves! What a great way to share yourself with others...I feel like we have a lot in common. I also read your posts, and they are very good. I hope more people see your blog, I know they would enjoy it. I'll add it to my fav list, and perhaps it may direct a few your way!

  6. robin, i think you are so lovely. reading this was like reading poetry...

    and i think i like you more because of it, although i never thought that was possible...maybe its the whole "i have to force myself to drink water," and "refer to number 42..."

  7. I stumbled across this blog and throughly enjoyed reading about a complete stranger's life. I found that to be a bit odd. But if you ask my nephews and nieces I am odd.

    I may consider reading future blogs, but it's not my thing. Thanks for the exerpts from you life.

  8. This is completely charming. You go, God's girl!
