Monday, December 14, 2009

gratitude community - december 14

holy experience

96. supportive friends who I know will be praying for me.

97. Fish of the Day

98. Phoenix and Dragon - hold the sauce = steamed broccoli, mushrooms and snow peas with chicken breast and shrimp. A delicious way to do Chinese food.

99. a supportive friend who helped me out when I couldn't get internet on my phone.

100. an evening out at the Melodrama instead of dinner out for my birthday.

101. The Reindeer Rap - this year they let Rudolph join in the reindeer games

102. rain

103. rain puddles

105. boy who loves to play in the rain.

106. appreciating how the rain washes away the filth reminding me of my Savior's blood that washes away my filth - over and over again

107. having a real reason to wear hats and scarves

108. a new orange rain jacket

Want to live the shortest, surest rule to Happiness? Become a Joy Finder? Consider joining the Gratitude Community! Just jump in with your own counting!

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