FOR TODAY - Monday October 18, 2010
Outside my window... it's dark. Surprise! Today was one of our first fall days. I got to wear a sweater.
I am thinking... about money. More than I should.
I am thankful for... hugs and kisses from my nieces. The Girlies are at a really fun age.
From the learning rooms... a lot of random stuff. Today was a hard school day. I made the mistake of letting him have some candy, he couldn't sit still or focus. Good thing I'm tough.
From the kitchen... I'm looking for easy meals for Wednesdays when we're on the go. I don't want the standard sandwich. We have those for lunch. I made a yummy soup last week, but it wasn't very easy to transport. This week I'm going to make a ratatouille sandwich. Got any ideas?
I am wearing... grey sweats, orange slippers and white tee.
I am creating... nada. I'm hoping my new zone plan (see below) will help me get back into my studio. My mom and I are hoping to produce some items to sell to help a missionary friend in London raise support.
I am going... to have lights out by 10:30 tonight.
I am reading... 1st grade Science books and 1st grade Social Studies books. I need a novel. I'm listening to The Cat who had 60 Whiskers and Crazy Love.
I am hoping... that my new zone plan is going to help me be more efficient at home. Today I was in the Grom zone. Friday is fun zone. I'm really looking forward to Friday.
I am hearing... Chuck. It's Monday night. I wore my chucks today in anticipation.
Around the house... lots of cards. We've been playing most every evening. I am the Great Dalmuti.
One of my favorite things... the time I have lately with Grom in the morning. We drop Gogo at High School and then have about a half an hour before Grom has to be at school. It's a nice half hour.
Vocabulary word of the week:
bloviate - to speak at length in a pompous or boastful manner
used in a sentence - I was totally put off by the little boy's mother and her tendency to bloviate ad nauseam.
A few plans for the rest of the week: A little bit of soccer and we're having a Raclette dinner for Gogo and his friends from school.used in a sentence - I was totally put off by the little boy's mother and her tendency to bloviate ad nauseam.
Grom's apples - from Kindergarten. I'm just going through his portfolio. Watch for a mommy indulgent gallery post soon.
How you can be praying for me and mine... all the usual stuff.
Check out other daybooks at The Simple Woman's Daybook.
LOL @ wearing chucks while watching Chuck.