3. Daffodils are one of my favorite bulbs. Actually I like most of the bulb flowers. In fact, I can't think of one that I don't like. Tis the season when you can buy them by the bunches at Trader Joes. Multiple bunches cost less than your typical bouquet. When they come home they are tightly closed, but as the week goes on they open up and sing their songs of spring. These kept singing, "You are my sunshine..."

4. My alarm clock collection. Don't notice all the dust. I was grabbing my phone out of the big one this week when I noticed the other two sitting right next to it. I thought it was funny that none of them read the same time and that they are all pretty useless at waking me up. I did find out this week that I wake up best to talking voices instead of beeps, buzzes or music. Surferman's alarm clock sounds like a garbage truck is coming through our bedroom wall.

5. Abraham, Isaac and the burnt offering. I taught at SKC this week. I was given the story of Abraham and Isaac. Go read Genesis 22:1-13 if you need a reminder. YIKES! I teach kids from 3 years old to 6th grade. It was challenging, but if I can teach preschoolers about Rahab, I can teach them about a Dad tying up his son to kill him and set him on fire (thankfully, that's not the end of the story). We learned about the fear of the Lord - loving God, trusting God and wanting to spend time with Him, knowing that He always loves us even though we don't deserve it or understand why.
Friday Fave Five is a meme that encourages bloggers to blog about the best things in their weeks. Join us. It's hosted by Susanne at Living to tell the story.
Jeans that fit! I'm hoping one day to find a pair! Congrats on your weight loss.
ReplyDeleteThey had crazy hair day at my neices elementary this past week too. She had one wild 'do! :vD