Monday, November 21, 2005


I am part of a fabulous Women's Home Group on Monday nights. It's a group of about 20 women who meet weekly to worship, study God's Word and pray together.

Each week it seems there is someone new. We always introduce ourselves and then answer a question. Previous questions have been silly and random like "favorite color" or "favorite ice cream".

Tonight we were supposed to share something that we were grateful for.

It was so cool to hear all the things that these wonderful women were thankful for.

A newly married gal was thankful for her husband (of course).

Another newly married gal was thankful that God was showing her the things in her life that were most important. She was caught up with tasks and not wanting to take extra time for an outing with her husband. She realized the "work" would be inconsequential soon, but that hubby was hers forever.

A single gal was thankful that she was single. Praise the Lord for her contentment.

Our hostess was thankful for our church body. She shared a story about a German couple that she and her husband had met in Ireland. They became fast friends. The German couples had no belief in God or Jesus. They came to visit their American friends and attended our church - once. They now are attending church, downloading messages off our church's website and are sending emails full of scripture, faith and hope. Our God is awesome.

Me? I'm thankful for my family and the people in my life that are like family. The women who love my son and care for him the way that I do. The men who fellowship with my husband and encourage him to be a better husband and father. All of our friends who are helping us to raise Grom to love our Lord. For all the love.

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