Monday, November 07, 2005

Pampered Restraint

I went to my friend's annual Pampered Chef party. I'm a sucker for their products and usually buy more than I should. Just like Surferman, I like to buy "tools".

I love the stoneware and can always find another piece that I "need".

Tonight I bought a couple of Christmas presents, some nylon pan scrapers (must haves) and some cake testers. Yes, cake testers.

Here's the cool thing I figured out tonight. I won a door prize - a cake tester .

Looking at it I figured out a handy alternate use for them. I go to a lot of potlucks or events where I take a dish. I like to tag the food I bring so that people know what it is - if it has nuts, etc. I had these cool flags on toothpicks that I used and used up. The top ring on the cake tester is a split ring and a little sign will easily slide between the 2 rings. I can easily trim the length of the tester with a pair of wire cutters. Stocking stuffers for everyone!

My final bill was high enough to earn me the "free" vanilla - but only about $5 of it was for me.

Now that's restraint.

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