Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Knit Wits

I guess I'm a knitter.

My mother is a prolific and talented knitter. I think she knits in her sleep. I know she can knit in the dark. She is constantly working on something. She has made some amazing sweaters for Grom. She creates gorgeous scarves, purses, and hats. Frugally she scours eBay and garage sales for wonderful wools to create her masterpieces. She sells some at a local shop. She way undersells her goods. She really just wants someone to enjoy her things. She's a modern day Proverbs 31 Woman.

Me? I knit washcloths. They are useful. They are easy to finish. Not exciting, but it keeps me out of trouble.

Mom and I met with a group of women from church tonight. We sit and knit and talk and drink tea and have a marvelous time. Mom is our expert. She is such a patient teacher. Humble when she doesn't know how to do something, but always willing to put down her needles to help a new knitter. The room was full of fun projects - scarves, hats, afghans, purses, bowling pins and I finished... you guessed it... a washcloth.

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