FOR TODAY Wednesday December 29, 2010
Outside my window... a bright golden setting sun is streaming over the ocean. We've had some great sunsets lately.
I am thinking... about 2011. Not resolutions but goals and changes. There are always so many things,
I am thankful for... a little bit of a break from the routine of our usual weekday schedule. I've been able to sleep a little later and we've done some fun things.
From the learning rooms... It's Christmas break. We've done a little bit of school stuff here and there. Grom is working on a Hooked On Phonics kit that Grandma bought at a garage sale. I'm changing my approach for our home studies when school starts up again. We'll be doing some unit studies in our time together.
From the kitchen... cookies. Read more about it soon.
I am wearing... jeans, trainers, dark purple tee
I am creating... nothing, nada, nilch. I have projects galore in my head. I might be losing my studio. That won't help this drought.
I am going... to the Drive In with Surferman and Grom tonight. It's a double feature - Yogi Bear and Tron. Grom will go to sleep in the back after Yogi.
I am reading... the instructions for my new camera. Yipee!
I am hoping... to blog more regularly. I like blogging.
I am hearing... music and the happy noises of kids in the jacuzzi outside.
Around the house... the Christmas decorations are starting to look a little tired.
One of my favorite things... bedtime prayers with Grom. He stalls. I petition our awesome Father. We talk about the day and give the good and bad to the Lord.
Vocabulary word of the week:
insouciance (n.) - the quality of being carefree; a lack of concern.
Surferman has insouciance down to an art form.
A few plans for the rest of the week: this, that and the other... maybe the celebration at church on Friday night for New Years, maybe we'll stay home, maybe...? There is a lot of stuff that needs to be done. I don't know how much of it that I want to do.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
The Girlies in Grammy's hats. They got them for Christmas.
Check out other daybooks at The Simple Woman's Daybook.