Monday, June 22, 2009

Daybook June 22, 2009

FOR TODAY... Monday June 22, 2009

Outside My Window... beautiful blue sky, a gentle breeze... a gorgeous day to live at the beach.

I am thinking... that I watch too much reality TV because I care about people I don't really know. I read that a portrayed as Christian reality family is divorcing. It makes me sick to think that essentially being on TV destroyed this family. Oh, and they say the kids are oblivious to it all. #7 - Stay with the one you married.

I am thankful for... computers that work. I think I finally have my computer woes under control. It's so nice to not fight with your Mac.

From the kitchen... Lots of yummy easy food this week. My grandmother is visiting and I'm sure she'll have some (lots) of ideas of what we should eat. I've planned pizza and hamburgers to get things started.

From the schoolroom... We finished rowing Katy and the Big Snow and just started Madeline. I remember Madeline from when I was a kid. In fact, we have my copy of Madeline and the Bad Hat to read. One thing that is driving me nuts is when we listen to audio versions in the car. The reader says her name Madeline (rhymes with pen) instead of Madeline (rhymes with line). When you read the story and the rhymes it is so clearly the second. I just want to grrr everytime she pronounces it wrong and messes up the rhyme.

I am wearing... Ha! Something different... grey pants and a turquoise t-shirt with some lace detail... oh and flip flops.

I am creating... I hope some name gifts. I have quite a few friends with birthdays coming up. I want to get some of them done tonight at Crafty Women.

I am going... nowhere and everywhere. I'm often on the run, but don't feel like I go anywhere exciting or interesting. I need to plan a retreat day soon.

I am reading... The Quilter's Legacy by Jennifer Chiaverini. I am really enjoying these nice stories.

I am hoping... Grom gets in the pool for swimming lessons. He was so funny last year and stubborn about getting in the pool. We had to take Grandpa to get him to do anything. He's been swimming like a fish in our jacuzzi (or as he says cacuzzi). He can hold his breath a long time and does a great job of swimming under the water. I hope it translates to the big pool.

I am hearing... windchimes.

Around the house... a fun but probably exhausting visit from Grandma (Grom's Great Grandma) and a HUGE birthday party.

One of my favorite things... kisses from Grom. The other day he climbed up on my lap and started giving me all kinds of kisses. He was giggly and smiley. More and more kisses. Finally I asked him what was up... He said he was trying to make me forget the grief he's given me earlier that day. I asked him what grief? He smiled, gave me another kiss and left my lap saying to himself... it worked!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: swimming lessons, interns, a trip to Paris (school work), being straight and direct with Grandma and not letting her get riled up, the Girlies turn one!

Here is picture I am sharing...This is the photo collage I helped my sister make for the invitation to their birthday party. A full year of great photos. They are so cute!

How you can be praying for me and mine... Pray that Grom would be better about listening and doing what he is asked to do. Pray that I'd be more consistent with discipline and that he's know what to expect instead of pushing my buttons to get a reaction. I want to be fast, firm and fair.

Read other Daybook's at Peggy's Blog, The Simple Woman.

1 comment:

  1. i seriously cant believe how cute those girls are.
