FOR TODAY... Monday September 28, 2009
Outside My Window... well... I'm actually at gymnastics... well... watching Grom do gymnastics. They are practicing head stands right now.
I am thinking... I hope I don't drop my computer off my lap.
I am thankful... that Grom is a boy and doesn't have to have a leotard for gymnastics. I imagine leotards can cause drama.
From the kitchen... leftovers from my parents' golf tournament last weekend. This week it's all about re-purposing leftovers.
From the schoolroom... It's a beautiful week to study the letter B. We also have some great books about fall to ready.
I am wearing... black pants, light blue long sleeved tee, flip flops. It's warm upstairs at gymnastics. I wish I was wearing capris.
I am creating... movies! I'm learning iMovie and iDVD. I thought we had lost a bunch of footage and am stoked that I was able to figure out how to upload it. Also making some earrings. I sold my first pair. Maybe I'm going into the jewelry making business.
I am going... crafting tonight. It feels like it's been forever.
I am reading... A Time to Embrace by Karen Kingsbury.
I am hoping... to have a garage sale on Saturday. I have to get stuff cleaned out and then make sure my sister can help me as Surfermna has to work.
I am hearing... a cacophony of voices but I can't make out many words. The gym is loud and crowded.
Around the house... Solar panels on our roof. I'm hoping it will let us get rid of our time of use meter and that I'll be able to do laundry whenever I want. When you hate doing laundry, it's hard when you can't do it whenever you finally feel like it.
One of my favorite things... our church and our church family.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: a couple of doctor appointments, maybe a trip to the park with friends, a birthday party and FINALLY a garage sale.
Here is picture I am sharing... from our "date" this afternoon at Starbucks.

How you can be praying for me and mine...
- Our friend, baby Simon (7.5 months) is having his 4th surgery to repair a hole in his esophagus. Please pray that the surgery would be successful and that his family would have peace through the entire process.
- I have a couple of doctor appointments (just routine "I'm getting old" stuff). Regardless, I don't enjoy them and would like peace.
- October 31st is coming and with it decisions about how to handle it with Grom.
Read other Daybook's at
Peggy's Blog, The Simple Woman.